Our History

We started off as a small home renovation company 10 years ago. Growing steady year over year. In the beginning, was one man and a small sedan, now we have grown to a fleet of trucks, vans and machinery. Have a larger network of certified trained professionals we work with, so that means we can tackle any job from start to finish.

How We Work

Home renovation is not just a business for us, it’s our passion. Every new job means meeting and working with a new homeowners who is trying to make the most of their living space. For us, that means exciting new ideas, challenges and relationships every time we start a new project. We’re here to help, and we love doing it.

Professional Teamwork

When you call JOAT Contractors, you’re calling the best in the industry, and you will enjoy the finest expertise. It starts with our design and management team. This core of our company has more than 10 years of combined experience crafting and drafting all kinds of homes and renovations.

Our Approach

Our model for success is simple, yet powerful in its application. An approach to doing business grounded in respect, transparency and collaboration. A commitment to engage in a team approach that values people and thrives on fresh ideas and intelligent solutions. A dynamic process that allows for flexibility and adaptability, with a focus on achieving results and nurturing lasting relationships. We are an organization of people, motivated by the opportunity to make a difference.

Values & Culture

Deeply embedded in our company since its founding, JOAT’s values and culture can be summed up by three words: commitment, integrity and reliability. They create concrete business ethics that strengthen our ability to deliver value to our clients.The interests of our clients are paramount. As an employee-owned company we firmly believe our success depends on delivering the highest level of quality and service.

Quality of Work

We take the quality of our work personally. We believe maintaining the highest standards is everyone’s responsibility and take great pride in what we build.We integrate quality within all our operations. From planning, design and scheduling to materials, construction and environmental practices, we build care and quality into every step. It’s what our clients deserve and how we’ve earned a reputation for delivering exceptional value.


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